Monday, November 21, 2011


ACCA Companies has a lot of things to be thankful for this year. Here is just a simple list of the things ACCA is grateful for.

First of all, we are grateful for the quick recovery that Doris Popham, CEO-Emeritus and co-founder of ACCA.  After her stroke Doris is making a healthy improvement.  We are thankful to have her in lives and thankful for how she has touched us with her love without the years.

Second, we are thankful for you!  Our customers are wonderful to us and we appreciate serving you and the tri-state community since 1956.

Third, our employees are a HUGE part of ACCA’s success we are very grateful for their hard work.  We had a luncheon on Sunday to thank the employees for their hard work and dedication to ACCA Companies.

Thank you and have a safe, and healthy Thanksgiving.

Hapy Thanksgiving!
Joe, CEO; Paige, Daughter; and Pam, Aunt at
Employee Appreciation Lunch at Kipplees